Is Your Client Cheating on You (With Another Real Estate Agent)?Searching for a home can be a complex, time-consuming process, so many buyers seek out a relationship with a real estate agent or Realtor…May 7, 2021May 7, 2021
It’s Not Me, It’s You: 6 Signs It’s Time to Break Up With Your Real Estate AgentFor most people, their home is their most valuable asset, and when it’s time to sell, they need a solid relationship with their real estate…Apr 27, 2021Apr 27, 2021
Are You Too Picky to Find the Right Home?Just as it can be a challenge to find the right mate, deciding on the right home can be just as difficult. In many markets these days…Feb 24, 2021Feb 24, 2021
The Long-Distance Relationship: When Your Real Estate Agent Is Located in Your New HometownAs a global pandemic continues to rage, remote work has become more and more common. As people (and their employers) are discovering the…Feb 5, 2021Feb 5, 2021
Finding Love on the Internet — or at Least Your Next HomeIt’s an online world — whether you are looking for a first date or searching for your dream home. While only three in 10 people admit to…Jan 13, 2021Jan 13, 2021
Home Staging: How to Decorate So Potential Buyers Fall in Love With Your HomeJust as you put forth your best efforts for a first date, you’ll want to do the same for your home if you’re looking for prospective…Jan 8, 2021Jan 8, 2021
Tips for Recovering After Your Offer Is RejectedMuch like looking for the mate of your dreams, searching for that perfect home can be full of disappointments — and broken hearts…Oct 19, 2020Oct 19, 2020
Signs Your Infatuation With a Home Could Be UnhealthyIt’s no secret that the home-buying process can be wrought with emotion — especially if you fall in love with a particular property. But…Sep 30, 2020Sep 30, 2020
Manhattan Real Estate Sales Trending Below Asking PriceWhat does this mean for buyers? Greater negotiability.Jan 19, 2020Jan 19, 2020
Buyers Take Reins At Negotiating Last Asking PriceNovember 2019 Manhattan Monthly SnapshotDec 26, 2019Dec 26, 2019